Presbyopia is a common vision problem that affects the majority of people as they age. It’s a general ageing process that causes our eyes to lose the ability to focus on close objects. In this blog, we will explore why presbyopia happens and some methods to correct vision in the presbyopia population.
Presbyopia occurs because of a gradual hardening of the lens in the eye. This natural lens is responsible for focusing light on the retina. When it becomes less flexible, focusing on close objects is more challenging. The condition usually starts developing in our early 40s, and the symptoms gradually worsen.
One of the most common symptoms of presbyopia is
Other symptoms include
While presbyopia can be frustrating, there are several effective methods available to correct vision in those affected by the condition,
There are four types of glasses a person can use for Presbyopia Correction,
One of the most common methods to correct presbyopia is reading glasses. These glasses have a prescription that helps to magnify the image, making it easier to read the small print. Reading glasses can be purchased over-the-counter or prescribed by an eye doctor, depending on the severity of the condition.
Another method to correct presbyopia is multifocal lenses, also known as progressive lenses. These lenses have multiple prescriptions in one lens, allowing the wearer to see both close-up and far away. Multifocal lenses can be fitted into eyeglasses. They’re an excellent option for people who don’t want to switch between reading and regular glasses. These are also good for those who use the computer
Bifocal lenses are another popular option for correcting presbyopia. These lenses have two different prescriptions in one lens, one for close-up and one for distance vision. Bifocal lenses can be fitted into eyeglasses or contact lenses. They’re an excellent option for people with trouble seeing near and far.
Monovision is another method to correct presbyopia. This technique involves fitting one eye with a lens for close-up vision and the other for distance vision. The brain learns to combine the images from both eyes, allowing the wearer to see both near and far. Monovision can be achieved with either contact lenses or refractive surgery.
There are two types of lenses a person can use,
Here Lasik is done for one eye to correct for one and one eye to correct for near. Thus one becomes glass free. While people do get this done, it is not the most ideal solution.
This is nothing but a cataract surgery except that you don’t have a cataract. The clear natural lens of the eye is removed and replaced with an artificial intraocular lens or IOL. It will give you clear glass-free vision from far and near.
Cataract surgery these days gives you glass-free vision. Even if you have a mild cataract and wish to get rid of glasses completely then go in for early cataract surgery.
Presbyopia is a common vision problem that affects most people as they age. It’s caused by a gradual hardening of the eye’s lens, making it more challenging to focus on close objects. However, several methods exist to correct vision in the presbyopic population, including reading glasses, multifocal lenses, bifocal lenses, monovision, and refractive surgery. By working with an eye doctor, people with presbyopia can find the right solution to meet their visual needs and maintain a quality of life.