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Cataract Consultation

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Cataract Consultation

Most have heard of a cataract, and almost everyone would know someone who has undergone cataract surgery in Mumbai. It is the most routine eye surgery performed and one of the most frequent surgeries in general. Since Eye Solutions has the best cataract surgeons in Mumbai, cataracts are the most common consultations and surgeries we do. Most patients want to know if they have a cataract and the cost of cataract surgery in Mumbai.

What happens in a cataract consultation?

A routine cataract consultation consists of the following

  1. A detailed history and understanding of your complaints
  2. Vision checkup
  3. Eye Power checkup
  4. Eye pressure checkup
  5. Examining the retina and Optic nerve
  6. A scan
  7. choosing the best cataract lens based on your lifestyle and personality.
  8. Order Blood tests to make sure you are medically fit to undergo Cataract Surgery

A cataract consultation is a little more than a routine complete eye examination. But before that, it's essential to take a detailed history. We want to know your current issues and the difficulties you are facing. 

Once that is done, we do a vision checkup, an eye power checkup. Here we want to see if your vision improves with a change of glasses. Then we perform a slit lamp examination, which examines the front part of the eye. We then check the eye pressure and then dilate the pupils with drops. Raised eye pressure is called Glaucoma. Once we dilate the pupils, we can examine the back part of the eye. This back part includes the vitreous cavity, the retina and the optic nerve.

A slit-lamp examination will allow us to see the grade of the cataract.  

A retina examination will confirm if the retina is normal, which is essential because it gives both you and us an idea of the prognosis. In other words, if the retina is normal, then most likely, your eye doctor will tell you that most likely after cataract surgery, you will recover 100% of your vision. On the other hand, if the retina shows some eye condition, your eye doctor may give you a guarded visual prognosis.

Sometimes, if the retina shows some abnormality, your eye doctor may advise you to get an OCT eye test.  

After this, a test is done, which would help us calculate the lens power that will go in your eye. This lens is also known as the IOL or the Intra Ocular Lens. This test is known as the A SCAN. There are various IOLs available like Monofocal IOLs, Multifocal IOLs, Trifocal IOLs, EDOF IOLs and Toric IOLs. It's not like one is better than the other, but you could read the Best Cataract Lens to understand the process of choosing a lens that's right for you. We also have a video explanation that might help you select the lens.

Cataract Surgery in the Past

There has been a belief, especially in India, that a person should undergo cataract surgery only when the cataract is 'ripe'. This belief originates from a long time ago. Many years ago, the technology available could treat cataracts only when cataracts became ripe or hard. The patients were suffering from poor vision, and the doctors were keen on performing the surgery, but because the cataract was not hard, no surgery took place.

When should I get operated on for a cataract?

 Today, technology allows us to operate on cataracts at any time. Today's technology is far superior to the older days. Thus, the question we get is, "Dr, when should I then undergo cataract surgery ?" or" When is the right time to undergo cataract surgery ?". 

The answer to these questions is simple. One can undergo cataract surgery when one is unhappy with their vision. Some feel vision's blurry at the slightest decrease in the quality and quantity of vision. Some don't think their vision's blurred despite having more than a 25% decrease in their vision. One would get it earlier, and one would get the surgery later, and both are right in their decisions. 

We perform cataract surgery in Mumbai earlier than in a village in India. The reason is that people here start feeling that their vision's blurred much sooner. A farmer's visual demands are different from an office-going person in Mumbai.

Timing of Cataract Surgery?

The best cataract surgeons in Mumbai believe that having better quality and quantity of vision improves the quality of life. Thus, if you feel that your vision is blurry or not seeing as well, you should consider getting cataract surgery.

Here is a short video by Dr Deepak Garg. Eye Solutions is proud to have some of the best cataract surgeons in Mumbai. The video talks about some things you may consider before deciding if you need cataract surgery.

What are the Lens options that I have?

Which lens is the best lens to implant in your eyes?  Now, one must understand that there is nothing like the ‘best lens’.  There are different lenses available and each of these have their own advantages and disadvantages.   We also have a quiz that you can take which would help you in selecting the best lens for your eyes.  Please write to us at [email protected] and we will send you the quiz.

Please go ahead and read more about Monofocal lenses, Toric Lenses, Multifocal lenses, and extended depth of focus lenses.  To help you pick a lens please read Best Cataract Lens and also watch a video on the same topic.

Cost of Cataract Surgery?

The cost of the surgery would depend on the type of lens chosen.  At Eye Solutions, the cost ranges from 10000 / eye to Rs 125000 / eye.   This is an all-inclusive cost.

The cost of surgery varies so choosing the lens can be overwhelming sometimes.  The best cataract surgeons in Mumbai would have a long discussion with you about this. They would help you in choosing your lens that would fit your requirements and also your budget.  You could read details of the cost of cataract surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions ?

How much time does a routine Cataract Consultation take ?
A Cataract consultation would routinely take about 40-45 minutes. As mentioned it includes a complete eye examination.
What is the cost of Cataract Consultation ?
A cataract consultation is a detailed examination and costs you Rs 1500. Additionally the A scan will cost Rs 1000. If the A scan is not needed then one would not have to pay for that.
How much time does a Cataract Surgery take ?
Most of the time, with todays technology, a cataract surgery takes less than 15 minutes. We do not give any injections and most of the times dont use while performing the surgery
What are the preop instructions for a Cataract Surgery ?
There are a few instrucitons we give our patients. One has to take a headbath and come to hospital and use an eye drop the morning of surgery. Patients must contine to take their routine medications except antidiabetics.
What are the post op instructions after Cataract Surgery ?
The postop period is very important when one undergoes cataract surgery. The reason for this is we have to prevent any eye infecton. Please watch this video to know in detail the postop instructions.
When can I travel after my Cataract Surgery ?
Today, cataract surgery is a 10 min procedure. And because of the technology available it is very non traumatic. Post surgery recovery is very fast. Usually in a few days patients start feeling like they have not undergone a surgery at all. We usually prescribe certain restrictions to our patients. You can see the video here. So the precautions that one has to take after surgery extend upto 10 days. Yet, patients can travel 5-6 days after surgery as long as they follow our instructions.
Is Cataract Surgery an emergency ?
Usually cataract surgery is not an emergency. That does not mean that it cannot be an emergency. Sometimes when the lens has burst or in cases of eye injury, it could be an emergency. But most of the times it is not.

A person undergoes cataract surgery to improve the vision both, quality and quantity. If someone undergoes a cataract surgery the vision improves. If someone chooses to postpone the cataract surgery vision remains blurry or of poor quality. Poor quality vision due to cataract would not improve with eye drops or some other treatment. Only surgery would improve vision. Also the cataract can progress leading to further deterioration in vision.

Thus, a person choosing to not get his cataract surgery may continue to have poor vision. This may further deteriorate but most of the times no harm to the eyes because of this delay.
Can I do both eye Cataract Surgeries at the same time ?
On paper, Yes you can undergo both eyes surgery together.

One of the more important complications of performing cataract surgery are infections. If one eye gets infected after surgery there is a chance of loosing that eye and vision completely.

To reduce this risk ophthlamologists the world over operate one eye at a time. But there are many who practice ” Bilateral Simulteneous Cataract Surgery”. Here both eye surgeries occur on the same day but each eye surgery is like its a new patient. Thus we take the necessary precautions.

We too have performed bilateral surgeries but in conditions where the patient was at a high risk. We have even done these for a child who could not undergo general anesthesia twice.

By and large we would like to perform the two surgeries on two different days with a gap of 2 days.
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