Many people who want to get eye check-ups in Mumbai wonder what will happen at these doctor visits. Would these eye tests be painful? How long will this eye test in Mumbai take?
They wonder what would the doctor check for when I am actually feeling fine. They ask themselves the question why do I even need an eye checkup in the first place?
If you are here to book an eye checkup in Mumbai please click book my appointment. We will call you back with a confirmation.
You are probably used to getting a full body profile or complete blood work after the age of 40 years. This blood work gets done even when you are fine. You want to basically check if you have a problem that you don't know about yet. Correct?
The logic to get an eye checkup is somewhat similar. How do you know that you don't have an eye problem just because you are fine today. There are many eye conditions that will cause you eye problems much after they first appear in the eyes. The first two that come to mind are
Glaucoma and
Diabetic eye disease
As mentioned before, there are many eye conditions that could be present in your eyes. Here is a short list
You might not even know that you have a small change in glasses. This change may lead to some eye strain or mild headaches. A change in your glass prescription could be the reason. All it needs is a simple eye power check-up and a change of glasses.
This is a condition in which the eye pressure increases and this is a silent disease. In the early stages, you will not know you have it unless you get a routine eye test in Mumbai. Glaucoma treatment could be glaucoma eye drops or glaucoma laser surgery or glaucoma surgery.
This is another blinding eye disease that results because of diabetes. The only way one would know they have diabetic retinopathy is by getting a routine eye test.
You may be having mild vision difficulties or see glare at night while driving. One might even feel that the room light are dim while others at home feel that there is enough light. These may be early signs of a cataract. Not getting a cataract surgery early, may not harm your eyes. But, don't you think you should be aware of what you have and that it is treatable if you so desire? You could read more or also watch a video on how to decide when to get your cataract surgery. The video is all the way at the bottom of the page.
Can blood pressure affect your eyes? Well, the answer to that is yes. It can affect the functioning of the optic nerve and of the retina. Your eye doctor can detect these eye conditions early. Based on your eye condition, one can take appropriate action. Blood pressure can also cause floaters in the eye by causing bleeding in the eye. One question we often get asked is ” Are blood pressure and eye pressure related? ” Well the answer to that is no they are not directly related. There are however certain indirect relationships.
We all are spending more and more time on screens. This excess screen time leads to dryness and ‘Computer Vision Syndrome’. You may feel tired or have itchy and burning eyes. This too, is treated with eye drops or with certain other treatments done in our dry eye clinic.
In children too there are many eye conditions that can be detected before they cause some serious issues.
Can we get an online eye checkup is also commonly asked. As with most things technology is changing the old and ushering in the new. It probably would be true for eye check-ups too, but it appears we are not there yet. However, there are few things that can be done online and there are some online eye check-up charts that may help.
These eye charts are however useful for only a few eye conditions. These eye tests online are very good for specific conditions like macular degeneration. Speaking of eye tests online, there are a few apps available for both Android and iOS devices. Again, these tests do offer value but will not replace a routine eye test in Mumbai done by your eye doctor just yet.
The covid situation has led to new developments. Usually, a detailed eye check-up is very dependent on eye check-up machines. Because of this dependence, eye exams are usually done at eye hospitals or eye check-up hospitals. And the reason for that is that these eye-testing machines cannot be easily moved. These could be bulky and heavy pieces of equipment, not to mention very expensive too.
These eye test machines include lenses to check your eye number. they also include some other fancy-sounding machines like a retinoscope, ophthalmoscope, slit lamp, indirect ophthalmoscope, and applanation tonometer. This is used to check your eye pressure. We only carry some of these for your eye test at home.
Since covid has started we have started eye tests at home for part of an eye checkup. It is obvious that we cannot match the quality or completeness of the test that we can do at an eye check-up hospital but we can check your eye power of glasses and contact lenses.
When you visit an eye check-up clinic a complete eye exam is mainly divided into three parts. Before these 3 parts kick in one must register at the front desk.
Optometrists at the eye check-up hospital will do your vision test. They will measure how much you can actually see. Vision is checked by using certain eye test charts. For older kids and adults these charts are Snellens charts. These eye test charts are different for adults and very young children. This is also known as the visual acuity test.
Normal vision is 6/6 vision. Here the measurement is in meters. In some Western countries, this is also called the 20/20 vision. Here the measurement is in feet. In some charts, the smallest line is a line that we are not expected to read. If you are able to read that line then your vision is better than normal. This is for distance vision. After this, the near vision charts help with checking near vision. Normal near vision is N6 near vision.
They will also check the eye power and find out if you should continue with the same eye power or make new glasses.
They also check if you need glasses for reading for those above 40-42 years of age. Needing glasses for reading after the age of 42 years of age is Presbyopia.
Not for all patients but for some we also do an eye test colour and make sure your colour vision is fine. Colour vision is the ability to differentiate between colors. There are few types of colour defeciences that one may have. These eye test with colors are able to detect mild to moderate to severe types of color defeciences. The name of chart is Ischiara Colour vision test.
After that, your eye doctor will see you. They will look at the front part of your eye. They will check your eye pressure and also make sure you don't have a squint. The pressure is checked by either Applanation tonometry or the air puff tonometer. They will check if your pupils are functioning normally.
Sometimes your doctor will use the chart for the eye examination to check your vision again. This happens when the individual’s vision record is not in sync with his eye condition. After this, if a retina check-up is necessary then you will need dilating drops. Read more about these below on the page.
Sometimes patients want to try contact lenses or buy contact lenses. Your eye doctor along with your optometrists would make sure you get the correct brand of lenses with the correct power. More importantly, an optometrist would also teach you how to take care of your contact lenses.
If there is a change in your glass number your eye doctor may prescribe you the new prescription. Both for your glasses or contact lenses. Our optician helps with the glasses and makes sure you get the right pair of glasses.
After your pupils dilate, the doctor will see you again and examine your retina, the optic nerve, and the vitreous cavity.
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