What are the visiting hours of eye hospitals in Chennai?
Eye Solutions is open from 10 AM - 6 PM From Monday to Saturday.
How can I book an appointment with Eye Solutions?
You can book an appointment by calling on +91 74488 84342. You can also click on book my appointment or send us a message by whatsapp. You can also send us an email at
[email protected]
How much does an eye test cost in Chennai?
This depends between doctor to doctor. Can range between ₹500 - ₹2000. At Dr. Baratan’s THEIA, the cost of a regular eye check up is ₹1000, and when dilation is required, it is priced at ₹1500.
What to Expect During an Eye Test?
During an Eye test, the vision is recorded, after which, a refraction is done, and then, based on the results of refraction, the doctor will advise you if other tests, like Dilation, Pressure check, Fundus imaging, etc., is required. The average duration of these tests can range between 30 minutes to 1 hour.
What tests and examinations will an eye doctor perform during a consultation?
The tests that an Eye Doctor will perform during a consultation would be :
a) Corroboration of the findings of the Optometrist
b) Slit lamp Biomicroscopy
c) Examination of the Optic Disc and Macula using a 78 / 90 Dioptre lens
d) If dilation is advocated, then a comprehensive Retinal examination using an Indirect Ophthalmoscope
How do I choose the right eye clinic in Chennai for my needs?
Choosing the “right” clinic in Chennai for one’s needs would entail the location, the facilities, and, the competence of the Doctor, all of which are present at Dr. Baratan’s THEIA.
What are the common eye problems treated at eye hospitals?
The common eye problems treated at Eye hospitals :
a) Refractive errors
b) Lid ailments
c) Red eyes
d) Foreign Body Removal
e) Cataract
f) Squint
g) Lazy eye
h) Contact lens fitting
j) Femto Lasik Assisted Cataract Surgery (FLACS)
k) Glaucoma screening and management
l) Ocular inflammation
m) Diabetic Retinopathy
n) Laser Iridotomy
o) Laser Capsulotomy
p) Laser Barrage
q) Retinal ailments
Who are the best ophthalmologist in Chennai?
The Best Ophthalmologists in Chennai : range from areas of interest and sub specialties.
Our track record has been impeccable, and therefore, can be considered as being right up there with the best in the business.
Are there any eye clinics in Chennai that offer free or low-cost treatment?
The only hospitals offering free / low cost eye treatment would be the Government Eye Hospitals, and the free wings of Charitable hospitals.