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Conjunctivitis in Children

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Allergic conjunctivitis refers to eye inflammation resulting from an allergic reaction to substances like pollen or mold spores.

The inside of the eyelids and the covering of your eyeball have a membrane called the conjunctiva. The conjunctiva is susceptible to irritation from allergens, especially during hay fever season. Allergic conjunctivitis is quite common and affects about one-fifth of the population. It is your body’s reaction to substances it considers potentially harmful.

Allergic Conjunctivitis comes in two main types:

  1. Acute Allergic Conjunctivitis
    This is a short-term condition that is more common during allergy season. Eyelids suddenly swell, itch, and burn.
  2. Chronic Allergic Conjunctivitis
    A less common condition called chronic allergic conjunctivitis can occur year-round. It is a response to allergens like food, dust, and animal dander. Burning and itching of the eyes and light sensitivity are common symptoms.

Symptoms of Allergic Conjunctivitis

Red, itchy, watery, and burning eyes are common symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis. The person may also wake up in the morning with puffy eyes.

Treatment of Allergic Conjunctivitis

Mild anti-allergic eye drops generally take care of it. If the allergy is severe then steroids can be prescribed.

Cold compressions help blood vessels to constrict which reduces the blood flow, eventually subsiding redness and allergic reaction.

Direct AC blow, sitting near the window while traveling should be avoided.

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