OCT eye test is one of the imaging techniques used for examining the retina, which uses cutting-edge technology. There are a few other techniques, too, like fundus photography and FFA. Fundus photography is nothing but taking a fundus picture or picture of the retina. OCT test for eyes is the most advanced out of these and is more widely used than the other two.
Eye Solutions has one of the best OCT eye scan machines available globally. It is known as Spectralis and is by Heidelberg in Germany. This machine works like a camera and does the OCT eye scan in Mumbai. 'What is the OCT eye test cost in Mumbai ?' is one of the more common questions we get asked. This retina scan cost depends on the machine used but more about that later.
The OCT's full form in ophthalmology is Optical coherence tomography. It is a non-invasive imaging technique or test that uses light waves to take cross-sectional images of your retina. The retina is the light-sensitive tissue lining the back of the eye. It is quick, painless, safe, and informative. This retina scanner is a sample into the future of patient care. Eye diseases, mainly those of the retina, are imaged using this technology.
The retina OCT test for eye or OCT macular test measures each of the retina's distinctive layers allowing your ophthalmologist to map the retina. It also measures the retinal thickness.
It is a revolutionary development in the diagnosis and early detection of eye conditions such as age-related macular degeneration, central serous retinopathy, epiretinal membranes, macular holes, macular oedema, optic disc, or optic nerve head abnormalities, and retinal inflammatory diseases. In diabetic eye disease, too, the OCT eye scan will pick up oedema or swelling in the retina. All the above-mentioned retinal diseases affect central vision and are sight-threatening eye conditions.
The advantage of the OCT eye scan is that it can rescan the retina at the same place where we scanned the retina at the previous visit. So, comparing the same eye condition in a patient over time is very accurate in follow-up exams, and we can determine the level of success of our treatments.
For example, let's assume there is swelling in the retina due to diabetic retinopathy. Your retina specialist has given the patient an eye injection to alleviate the swelling. After the injection, the patient comes back for a follow-up, and this eye test retina scan is repeated. At this time, we will know exactly how much the swelling has reduced because of that eye injection.
The following picture is an example of a retinal OCT test for the eye. It shows a detailed image of the retina, The first two eye exams show retinal oedema, but the third scan shows a resolution of oedema and a successful treatment outcome.
OCT glaucoma eye test measures the retinal nerve fibre layer thickness. Glaucoma means that the eye pressure has increased, and the retinal nerve fibre layer gets damaged when that happens. The Retinal nerve fibres are, as the name suggests, the nerves of the retina. These nerves are responsible for transferring information from the eye to the brain. These retinal nerve fibres leave the retina from the optic disc and enter the optic nerve. With this information sent to the brain, one knows what they are seeing.
In other words, if you were looking at a table, your eye does not know that it's a table. Your eye sees the table and then transfers that information to the brain, and your brain knows that it's a table. Now, what happens in glaucoma is that the pressure in the eye increases. This increased pressure can damage the nerve fibre layer. One way to diagnose early glaucoma is to measure changes in the thickness of this nerve fibre layer which is done by the OCT scan for the eyes.
Traditionally, the investigation used to diagnose glaucoma used to be the visual field test. This test checks the peripheral vision of the individual. The field test is still a crucial test for patients who have glaucoma. Fields are also done for glaucoma suspects and normal-tension glaucomas. However, the OCT glaucoma eye test will pick up changes due to glaucoma much earlier than the visual field test. Now, the Visual field is also known as the perimetry test. Thus the OCT exam is also called a pre-perimetric glaucoma investigation.
Here is a video showing how the OCT test for eyes is done. It takes only a few minutes and is completely painless. As can be seen, it's like taking a picture and thus there is no risk to the patient. We end up getting an accurate 3D image of the retina or the optic nerve. This test is performed by an optometrist or an ophthalmologist.